Cities We've Been

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ecuador - Coca to Tena to Banos

Sept 4 Coca to Tena

We really enjoyed staying at La Selvia Jungle Lodge. It’s right up there with diving and swimming with whale sharks in terms of our best travel experiences. Many thanks to Luis and Boliviar, who are the best guides we ever had. Also, many thank to the staffs; next time we hope to have the energy for afternoon soccer!

After four days of early mornings, and three activities per day, a long bus ride is starts to look like serious R&R. We speed canoe back to Coca, and then catch a bus heading south to Tena. Tena makes a perfect stay-over point as we start a week long loop to get back to the Pan-American Highway.

Sept 5 Tena

Tena is located at the intersection of two rivers in the foothills of the Amazon jungle, giving it a cooler tropical climate. With many Amazon tributaries nearby, Tena is Ecuador’s white water rafting capital.

We sign up with River People for a 30 km rafting day trip down the Jatunyacu River. After an hour drive and 45 minute hike down a canyon, we gear up and launch the raft. Joining us is a couple from London, our rafting guide, and a safety guide who follows by river kayak.

Our boat, ready for loading

It’s a beautiful river flowing through a Jungle canyon. For 30 km we don’t see any people, until we reach the take out beach. The rapids are mostly class III with a few class IV sections. We paddle underneath waterfalls, and enjoy butterflies and birds they fly by. In one moment, the safety guide spots a leak in the boat. Our rafting guide comes to the front of the boat to check it, and then throws us all overboard.

The guides in Ecuador are excellent; probably better than anywhere we’ve visited. Most guides have bachelor’s degrees in tourism from universities in Ecuador where they learn English and Ecology. Aside from being rafting experts, our guides know every bird and insect in the jungle. During lunch, our guides even make fresh guacamole, and ice a cake!

Our group below a waterfall

CLICK HERE to see more Tena pictures

Sept 6 Tena to Banos, by Bus

We catch a bus heading west, and climb back into the Andes, getting off in Banos. Banos is a tourist town, popular with Ecuadorians for weekends and holidays. The city is famous for its thermal mineral baths, created by the locally active volcano, which erupted in 1999. We are hoping that the baths provide magic elixir for the no-see-em bites we got while rafting in Tena.

We check into the Hostela Plantas and Blanco. The hotel is like a college dorm, packed with young western student studying Spanish.

Mineral Baths (cold, 90 deg warm, and 120 deg hot), with mountain views

Sept 7 Banos

In the morning, we visit the baths and look around town. Banos is also famous for their taffy makers, who pull the taffy by hand street-side, using a stick mounted to a wall.

Pulling Taffy street-side

We catch up on the internet, relax and read in the hotel.

CLICK HERE to see more Banos pictures

Sept 8 Banos to Riobambo by bus

After another morning trip to the baths, we catch a one hour bus to Riobamba and check into the Hotel Tren Dorado.


Kevin and Vana said...

1) That is a beautiful blue skyline in Banos. Very, very pretty shape of blue on my monitor.
2) Glad that Kevin has upgraded hats, Kevin is pretty amazing about always wearing a hat, so far the hat has survived river rafting, looking forward to seeing pictures of that hat go around South America.

Be safe and have fun.


Kevin and Vana said...


大绪 王

Kevin and Vana said...

笑笑, 凯文,你们好!
你们碰到最好的导游很好运, 可以从他们那里学到很多知识. 自然界是知识的宝库, 在自然界里可以淘到很多识知. 你们上次
在东南亚主要是沿海地区旅游, 获得了潜水的知识, 见到海洋里各种各样的鱼类和海里的动,植物. 这次你们站到了地球南,北
的中间线--- 赤道的两边. 你们看到的; 学到的不只限于书本的字里行间, 而是亲眼看到, 亲身体验到的那种感觉, 那种心灵的激动, 那种深刻的印象, 是和看书学习完全不一样感受, 而是更丰富多彩, 更有趣味, 比如你们在旅游过程中还很有兴趣的学
过烹调, 真是行万里路如读万卷书, 古人真没说错. 你们回来可就成了旅行家了, 而旅行中学到的知识在你们今后工作和生活中
是受益非浅的。所以你们计划和实现环球旅行是非常值得去 做的一件一生中的大事。我们也通过你们的照片和中文解说获得很多东西。 谢谢你们带给我们知识,带 给我们快乐。
笑笑, 你的中文写作真的不错,我为你高兴。
